GALLERY 1 // Ground floor, Creative Stirling Venue

This exhibition celebrates all that Rachel has achieved since starting as one of the Made in Stirling artists, resulting in an amazing body of work and a published book on her mosaics.

Rachel will have three collections on show:

  • The Nature Collection

    This series draws inspiration from predominantly coastal and woodland habitats. From seaweed and rocks, to trees and lichen, the patterns observed in nature are translated into abstract artworks that have a distinctively organic feel.

    The Nature Collection includes mosaics that feature in Rachel’s new book, Mosaics Inspired by Nature. Signed copies of this book will be available to buy during the exhibition.

  • The 100 Days of Nature Project

    This collection is the result of a challenge to create a small piece of art on a regular basis. The design for each mosaic is developed from a different photograph of nature. Each mosaic measures 2.5x3.5 inches, and will be displayed alongside its inspiration image.

  • The Riverwoods Project

    Riverwoods is a partnership initiative designed to grow and restore healthy riparian woodlands and river systems across Scotland. This series of mosaics were created by participants in Rachels’ membership programme in response to issues highlighted in the Riverwoods Project. All mosaics in this collection are for sale and all proceeds will be donated to rewilding projects via Scotland: The Big Picture.

    Below you can browse the brilliant work Rachel’s membership participants. If you want to purchase one of these, please contact to receive a payment link.

    Please note the listed price does not include shipping costs: customer can enquire for quotes around shipping with


Get in touch for further details.

The team in store can arrange postage and packaging UK or worldwide or we can arrange a collection time in store. The exhibition will run until the 26th of May

Please use the form here or call 01786 357550.