Capture the City: Photography Walk
During May, we went out for some sun and scenery, with some students from Stirling School of English, for an introduction to phone photography workshop.
We ran two sessions with the group, which were delivered by Megan Sharpe (@itsjustmegan_) from Stirling Photography Festival, who gave the group a presentation about phone photography over some morning coffee and refreshments at Made in Stirling store. Megan talked the group over some top photography tips, trick and techniques before heading out to explore the streets.
Big shout out to Stirling City Heritage Trust, as armed with their fantastic heritage maps, we were all set with ideas of some incredible buildings to add to our route. It was wonderful to take in the views, look at the city's nature, architecture and design, and capture the textures, colours, reflections and shadows all around us. We often forget to take our time, look up and around our incredible city.
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for the sessions, and especially to Megan from Stirling Photography Festival for hosting the sessions and teaching the group (and us) about how to capture quality pictures using your phone. We so looking forward to finding out about what Stirling Photography Festival have planned this year. Make sure to give them a follow @stirlingpf to keep updated on what’s to come!